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Let's Cook with <3 Today: Chicken Zurbian Rice

Try this delicious Chicken Zurbian Rice and be ready to go for a second (maybe even third) helping!

Ingredients:1 tbsp. Oil, ½ onion chopped, 3 cloves garlic, minced, ½ green chili, optional, 1 ½ tsp. Salt, 2 tsp of Zurbian spice blend, 5 cups water, 1.5-2 lbs. chicken, 2 cups basmati rice, cashews, almonds, and golden raisins for serving


1. Saute garlic, onion, and pepper in oil over medium heat until browned.

2. Add salt and the Zurbian spice blend to onion mixture. Add chicken and cook until brown on the outside.

3. Add water and cook the chicken on medium heat for about 20-30 minutes if using a pressure cooker, or more if cooking in a regular pot.

4. Add the rice to the broth, and the rice should be just covered by the water. If needed add more water.

5. Cook the rice uncovered on medium heat for about 10 minutes, until the rice is about 2/3 cooked through and there is just a little bit of liquid left.

6. Now reduce the heat to low and cover the pot, do not seal the cooker. Let the rice steam for another 10 minutes until all liquid is absorbed.

7. Garnish with raisins, almonds, and cashews.

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